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"Home style, old world Italian food created from recipes my Grandmother brought with her to America. Never written down, existing only in her heart. At the age of 15 my Grandmother Anna Mancini, taught me all of them. Now stored in my heart. I am so proud to bring Anna’s amazing recipes to your table. My dream come true. From Anna’s heart to my heart to your table.


I am very proud to be able to make this amazing family dinner available to everyone. They are sold fully cooked with sauce and all you need to do is heat them up. What was a 4 hour process, takes you just 20 min! MamaMancini’s Meatballs and Slow Cooked Italian Sauce are available in Markets across the country as well as many gourmet catalogs."


-Dan Mancini 


Coordinated Strategic Alliances / 260 Ballard Road Unit 2/ Middletown, NY 10941 / P: 845-469-2000 / E: / © 2018 CSA 

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